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如何在Facebook Live上增加用户

Broadcasting on Facebook Live seems like a great idea, 直到你发现没有人在看你的广播. Talk show personality Mario Armstrong outlined how he is building his audience for his Facebook Live interactive weekly talk show.


“一致性和频率真的很重要. 人们想的一部分是‘如果我去直播, a lot of people will show up' and that's not going to be the case,阿姆斯特朗说. Appointment streaming—scheduling your broadcast for a specific time—can help build an audience. 美国东部时间周三晚上7点是他的选择. "We came to that day and time because we did third-party market research." Asking your audience is one sure fire way to pick the best time. 对于那些没有市场调研预算的人, one shortcut is seeing when previously written blog posts got the most traffic.


Identify the type of person who will not only want to watch, but will spread the word. "We need to market to the most likely advocates of the show,阿姆斯特朗说. "We target people that we know have the highest propensity of wanting to watch something like this and will want to share it with their friends."

If consumers follow your brand, the live video will show up in their newsfeeds. 但吸引非粉丝也很重要. Making live video searchable means crafting a great summary and using hashtags. Facebook uses hashtags to group like content together in search results. 阿姆斯特朗的新节目叫做 永不停留, so his hashtags are #NeverSettleTV and #MarioArmstrong. He uses other hashtags, as well, depending on weekly topics.


facebooklive2aLet viewers know about the brand's broadcast at least 24 to 48 hours ahead of time. Facebook's notification options are the best ways to communicate that info. Post messages in the brand's newsfeed and message contacts who would be interested in the event. Also, reach out to viewers who aren't on Facebook or have notifications turned off:

"Make use of as many social platforms that your potential audience will be on—Twitter, LinkedIn, 谷歌+, 潜望镜, Instagram, 和Snapchat,阿姆斯特朗说. Create custom posts on each platform, or use a social media management tool like 缓冲 or Hootsuite 为多个帐户安排帖子.


Plan to broadcast long enough to allow stragglers to tune in. “通常越长越好. If you do a 3 or 4-minute live stream, you're not going to get that many people. 至少做10到15分钟,”阿姆斯特朗说. 为 “逃出房间”广播 he did covering an interactive strategy game, Armstrong created commentary beforehand. "Instead of just going live at the place, I did a pre-show before from in front of the building."


Incorporate a couple of proven sales strategies to sell live video to the audience.

  • 分享: "One of the things you can do once you go live is to train people to share the broadcast. If viewers go down to the bottom of their screen and click the share link Facebook rewards that behavior by more readily promoting your content in newsfeeds,阿姆斯特朗说. 一定要让观众分享.


  • 创建消息: Prepare a few key messages in advance to encourage viewers to reach out to others who they feel might be interested. For example, "We're about to see an interview with a woman who created her dream job. If you have friends or family who are thinking about a career change, 让他们知道我们的下一个环节."

  • 使用合作伙伴: Plan in advance for others to share your live stream when it happens. "Coordinate partners—other organizations or people—and say, 'I'm going to go live at 10:30 ET. 当我上线的时候, it would be great if you can come onto my page and share it right away,’”阿姆斯特朗说。.

  • SMS消息传递查看短信群组列表. "You can send people a text and say ‘I'm about to go live on Facebook' and send them the link to the actual broadcast,’”阿姆斯特朗说。. For iOS users, go to Settings and turn off the Group Messaging option before group texting. This allows the sender to blind cc, so as not to publicly broadcast everyone's number. 创建组列表使用包括电话软件或 更正式的服务. 商业文本营销需要收件人选择加入.

  • facebook3订阅: “很多人都不这么做. Broadcasters need to remind people to sign-up if they want to see future content,阿姆斯特朗说. Ask viewers to subscribe to notifications from Facebook. Some broadcasters have the option of placing a button at the end of their live broadcasts. 为他人, 它更复杂:去广播公司的页面, 喜欢它, 然后选择接收实时视频通知.


Broadcast at a specific time so viewers know when to find the brand's stream, 每次播放至少10分钟. Reach out to the brand's audience on multiple platforms, 包括Facebook, 其他社交渠道, 甚至是文本. Create concise introduction summaries for videos and use hashtags to make it easier for viewers to search the topic. 而广播, be sure to use a variety of sales techniques to spread the word: Ask the audience to invite friends, prepare a couple of phrases in advance to remind viewers about what type of content is coming next, 并让合作伙伴帮助传播信息.

最后, 在做了那么多努力来吸引观众之后, 确保他们真的对内容感兴趣. "Looks at analytics to see what viewers like and where they drop off,阿姆斯特朗说.

Nadine Krefetz's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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