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What's the best way to draw subscribers and viewers to your streaming service and maintain the audience numbers that keep subscription services profitable and satisfy brands? 业务营运副总裁钟丽萍 爱丝特雷娜媒体James Lauzun,产品副总裁, MagellanTV,与合伙人乔纳森·赫德讨论这个话题, 奥特曼梭伦,在他们的 流媒体东部2023 面板.

Hurd begins the discussion by asking Lauzun about MagellanTV’s processes for generating demand and acquiring customers. “每当我们制作原创作品时, we're usually allocating dollar for dollar for the actual production [costs] into marketing that production,Lauzun说. “We view those two things as essential because we believe that you're not just going to have viewers because you have some come content. 就营销本身而言,我们从 YouTube 有影响力的人. That's a really effective way to shortcut that sales and marketing conversation.他注意到这样做 脸谱网 or pay-per-click ads requires a more hands-on approach with the service provider to ensure maximum effectiveness, while working with the right influencer can bring instant brand credibility. “All the influencer needs to talk about is what kind of documentaries [the audience] is going to find really appealing,他说. “And that kind of shortcut originally was how we had our first phase of explosive growth.他指出, 然而, that it can be a gamble to find an influencer who is the best fit for your brand.

Lauzun talks about MagellanTV’s current marketing tactics now that they have become more established and do not have to rely too heavily on the more unpredictable influencer route. “Now it's about taking all of those things that we've learned about our positioning, 我们的营销, 我们有关于使用的数据, 面试, the surveys…it's now [about] how can we come off of the influencer roulette table and repeat some of this messaging [with] online advertising on 脸谱网 and Google?他说. “但还是那句话,我们要针对我们所寻找的用户类型做出具体的选择. 这实际上是我们创收的很大一部分, the fact that we are really aggressive with securing new FAST positions…not only [with] primary SVOD releases, but we actually have a pretty short exclusive window for that a lot of times, 除非它是一部非常有价值的电影. But we'll immediately start syndicating that out to different AVOD platforms, so really pushing that content out and making sure that users can easily find you anywhere.”

Hurd asks Christina Chung of 爱丝特雷娜媒体 to discuss their approach to demand generation. “你所有的用户,他们不是订阅者,他们是观众,对吧?他说. “但你还是得让他们知道你的存在. 怎么做呢?”

“We actually have a wholly dedicated team [for] customer acquisition,” Chung says. “他们提取数据,并与我们的合作伙伴合作.她说,爱丝特雷娜媒体的最高浏览量来自FAST频道, 哪些公司负责市场营销和促销. “So we work hand-in-hand with these partners of ours to make sure that our consumers are understanding what content [is] coming up next month [and] in the Fall她说。. “These are things that we work very closely with 我们的营销 partners over on the distribution ends. 除此之外, we also make sure that our content is relevant for each of these different platforms. What we're working towards is developing curated experiences by platform.”

Chung expands further on how Estrella works explicitly with different platforms. “例如,我们有 Roku通道,我们有 三星电视Plus她说。. “每一个频道都有不同的受众. One of the things that we're working towards is maybe creating a curated experience for the Roku channel, 三星TV Plus的精心策划的体验, just so that we are able to really capture our audiences and keep it sticky and engaging. 因为,归根结底,Estrella是建立在粉丝基础上的. 我们的 天吾Talento [是]在27th 季节. And it's because people keep coming back to watch the show because they're very dedicated and obsessed with our content. So we want to make it readily available for them on a curated experience by platform.”

了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息,请访问 流媒体连接2023.

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MagellanTV's James Lauzun Talks Licensing, Marketing, and Distributing Documentary Content

Tim Siglin talks to James Lauzun of MagellanTV about the ins and outs of running a niche streaming OTT service from an SVOD and FAST content and monetization strategy standpoint, 包括订阅费, 内容的权利, 和分布, 在流媒体东2023的采访中.


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