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The best chunk size for low-latency streaming is dependent on a number of factors based on different use cases, 而且往往需要妥协和权衡. Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体, asks three industry experts what their chunk size preferences are for the particular needs of their platforms.

“我们现在有4到6秒钟的时间,Pankaj Chaudhari说, 架构师-视频传送, 迪斯尼流. “这里有许多不同的权衡需要考虑. 虽然如果块大小的段大小过低, 很明显,你想要降低挥手的潜伏期, glass-to-glass延迟. 代价是现在你有很多连接, 正在向协议发送许多请求, 工作流程变得有点啰嗦, there are many numbers of requests per second that are coming in. But then at the same time, you are inserting a lot of keyframes in the segments. 每个片段都以关键帧开始. 所以片段越小, the more keyframes there will be over the course of the playback. And that may not be efficient from a cost point of view because there are more numbers of bits being delivered.”

Chaudhari also notes that Disney does not really have a use case for low latency. “这就是 WebRTC “对我们来说没有用,”他说. “所以,4到6秒就能发现美好, sweet spot wherein we have a balance of a good number of bytes being added to the payload, 从编码的角度来看, 而且还能实现合理的延迟.”

Krefetz says to Jonas Ribeiro, Digital Products, Platform and AdTech Manager, 环球, “You've got a lot of different things that you're supporting. 你为什么不给我们讲讲这方面的背景呢?”

“The live streaming size is six or seven seconds,” Ribeiro says. “We have a battle here because I do the TV broadcast and also do the live streaming. I believe that it is easier to delay the broadcast to be the same time as the live streaming, 但这是不可能的. 对于足球比赛,我们有一个叫做Premiere的产品.” He says that this is a more expensive product due to higher technical requirements. 它以两秒的块大小交付以减少延迟. “It's just to give a better experience to these subscribers and it works well,” he says. “But it's not the same when you're seeing the broadcast and the live streaming, 我相信这将是一个相当大的挑战, 因为这是一种权衡.”

Imran Maskatia,产品开发副总裁, Evoca电视,讨论了Evoca的块大小要求. 他说:“我们使用两秒钟的片段大小。. “The reason we do so is for quicker channel change because as a TV service, 我们发现很多人在换台, and the ability to start more quickly when you do that is kind of important for our customers.” He also mentions that he recently read a study out in South Korea. “They did a whole bunch of experimentation and looked empirically at everything from like a quarter second to five, 十秒. And supposedly…they said that the optimal segment size tradeoff both for bandwidth, 对于快速频道转换, 等.在0附近.9秒.”

“这是在ATSC 3中.0环境?克雷费兹问道.

“这是在ATSC 3中.没有上下文,对吧,渠道改变,”马斯卡蒂亚说. “So obviously there's a particular scope and use case in mind there, but it's a tradeoff.”

了解更多关于块大小和低延迟流的信息 流媒体西部2022.

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